Saying No to Yes

Daily writing prompt
If you had to give up one word that you use regularly, what would it be?

The answer, my friends, is “yes.” I’m not going to spill a lot of digital ink here. If you say “yes” too much, you probably already know it. You know the reasons to stop. You know what everyone says about self-care. You worry about going too far in the new direction and becoming selfish. You know who you are and you know to take time to think about why you can’t say “no” and how to get a handle on it.

If you never say yes, and if that’s because you’re a selfish jerk, I’m not talking about you.

Most beautiful souls say “yes” too much. So knock it off a little.

One thought on “Saying No to Yes

  1. My immediate reaction to the title line was to reread the parable of the rich young ruler. After then reading and rereading your commentary, I realized that even though I am not a selfish, egotistical jerk (that I know of), I had better revisit your perspective in the light of that parable.
    Saying no to yes? How about applying the reverse, also? Saying yes to the tasks to which God assigns us
    enables us to not turn away in regret as the rich young ruler did when saying no. It enables us to focus on God’s dictates and not on our selfish wants and desires.
    Interestingly, that process leads us directly back to saying no, but from a different perspective.
    Chris, publicly posting (and editing) this submission is your yes or no choice. Keep up the God -driven good work. Please review the “no vendor drink sales” (Allentown Fair) and reverse the accurate but limited reactions by all involved.
    There is always a backdoor way. Seek and find it. Lovingly, Jane

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